
a small thank you..

i mentioned a while back that i started a new job in january of this year.  my immediate task upon starting was to build a software engineering team for a specific project.  our office admin has been incredibly helpful to me as i've stumbled through the company's hiring processes and endless chain of provisioning tasks, etc..  i made her this box as a thank you.  i thought she might use it for snacks or candies at her desk.

she insisted i sign it (not in the habit of doing so though i probably should) and showed it off every chance she got.  turns out two office mates are also woodworkers.  the next week the admin asked if i'd be interested in a 'dahhdoe' table saw thing and some carving knives she'd scored from her brother-in-law as moving casualties..

why yes, thank you ;)

quite a pleasant series of events spawned from a few scraps, a sense of gratitude and a few nights of a favorite activity..

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